We're Trapped in a Cage

Here's how to break free.

Some people are trapped.

They are trapped in their own lives and they don't know that it is a trap. They believe that staying inside their own "safe" lives is better and that people who step out of it are bringing them in danger.

It's all about perspective.

People are living within the matrix. If you feel like this is you, try to read this article about breaking social standards and doing what truly feels right to you.

The Way We Earn Our Money

The people around me have regular jobs and are spending hours working for someone else to earn their money. That made me realize that I don’t want that — I want to make and earn my own money.

When I first started trying to make money online, I was around 15 years old, and you might imagine that you come around the ‘get rich quick’ ads on the internet.

It takes you a while to realize that those techniques aren’t going to work.

There aren’t things such as free apps to make money by clicking on ads or downloading games. The money is out there for everyone; you just need to know how to reach it.

Skip the shortcuts.

Build a backup in terms of savings and investment for tougher times; you might need it in months when you don’t have tons of customers or revenue.

If you do, you’re no longer dependent on that one job.

Imagine building new income streams on the side, and then being able to do that full-time.

That’s the moment you’re able to leave your daily job and go full-time solo.

Don’t rush it. I tend to rush into things a lot, and it doesn’t help me.

I feel much more confident writing and creating — that’s something you need to give time to. If you expect something spectacular to happen within a month, you’re setting the wrong expectations.

Sure, people can go viral within a week, but that usually makes them lazy and drop out eventually. Consistency always beats quick virality.

The Responsibility for Your Own Life

We were living surrounded by comfort. But as you have noticed, sometimes that comfort is taken away by something. That’s the moment you need to take care of yourself.

You should not want to hold up your hand. You want to be in control.

With that, comes responsibility. For yourself, for the ones around you, and for those you love. Relationships are often built upon trust and responsibility for each other.

Something that younger men don’t tend to have anymore these days.

Nobody’s going to take care of you if you don’t do it yourself. The good ol’days of wealthy societies are probably over and you need to be ready for it.

On the other hand, you don’t control every single bit of your life. That’s okay because you don’t care.

One of the most beautiful Stoic thoughts about life is that you shouldn’t worry about the things you can’t control.

But the things you do control, master them and be in charge. We’re so stressed these days about all sorts of things. I’m guilty as well, but the harsh truth is that we can’t control them all.

If someone decides to not like me, for example, that’s not something I can do anything about.

I can only try to be the nicest person on earth, but usually, that isn’t something that works because that person has already decided for me.

So why worry about things like these?

It Starts With Habits

I've written a couple of things about building habits.

Most people have bad habits. They’re comforting and it’s difficult to get rid of them. Yet, they’re quite destructive in our daily lives.

Compounding the effect of small bad habits results in massive disruptions in the longer term.

But it’s a complicated process to understand your own habits, where they come from, why they are bad and how you could alter them or remove them completely from your routines.

Getting rid of bad habits is difficult in the first place, but once you’ve figured it out, it’s easy. First, you need to identify a habit that you don’t want anymore.

And then start building the good ones.

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